MARCH 21st, 2024

Health Carousel Reaches Deal in Contract Dispute, Avoids Costly Litigation
Cincinnati (March 21, 2024) – Health Carousel, one of the world’s largest private healthcare workforce solutions companies, reached an agreement over a contract issue in a class action lawsuit that will save the company from continued costly litigation and bring the matter to a close.
While Health Carousel is confident it would have won the case (Carmen v. Health Carousel, LLC) at trial, the company chose to reach an agreement with the class now to avoid protracted and costly litigation. Current international healthcare professionals will receive around $600 as part of the settlement.
“The personal well-being and professional success of our healthcare professionals are very important to us. While Health Carousel acted lawfully and in good faith, we decided that agreeing to this settlement is in the best interest of our company and our healthcare professionals,” the company said. “Health Carousel is proud of our business practices, and we have been recognized as a leader in the legal, ethical, and socially responsible recruitment and employment of international healthcare professionals. We are pleased to bring this four-year old matter to a close and continue to focus on our mission of bringing highly trained healthcare professionals to the United States to help address nationwide staffing shortages.”
Media Inquiries:
Current and previous healthcare professionals employed by Health Carousel
Eligible claimants will receive information in the coming months from a claims administrator.
This settlement has no bearing on your ability to work with Health Carousel.
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