Health Carousel Sponsors Nurse Educator Training in Northern Philippines
December 22, 2022

Forty faculty members and six deans representing twelve nursing schools assembled at the El Cielito Hotel in Baguio City for training on becoming more effective nurse educators. Eleven of the nursing schools represented are located in northern regions of the Philippines, while one was from around Manila. Health Carousel Philippines (HCPI) sponsored and organized this event through its Light the Way initiative, which invests in nurse development and sustainability throughout the country.
HCPI provided attendees with a day-long agenda of education sessions. Three notable speakers provided the training:
1. Glenda Arquiza, Ph.D., RN, former chairman of the Philippines Regulations Committee Board of Nursing and 2019 ASEAN joint coordinating committee in nursing
2. RayGapuz, DSc, DMgt, RN, USRN, Master of Education in Learning Design and Technologies, and operator of notable nurse training centers throughout the Philippines
3. Naomi de Aro, EdD, RN, founding member and secretary of the PanAsian Simulation Society in Healthcare

Altogether, 276 hours of free training were provided to improve the instructional quality of nursing education in the Philippines. Key topics included the benefits of and how to develop a constructivist learning environment. In the constructivist learning model, students are more actively involved in their learning process. Therefore, the teacher is a facilitator who coaches, mediates, prompts, and helps students develop and assess their learning. The use of simulations in nursing education was a second key training area.
"Keep on extending your seminar to upgrade the capability of the faculty and the readiness of nurses, Mahubay!" stated one enthusiastic attendee.
The deans and faculty commented positively on the training and speakers. Post-training evaluations included comments such as engaging, informative, timely, and keep Lighting the Way!
HCPI's nursing school faculty training began in 2021, during which 90 nurse educators received virtual training owing to the pandemic. In2023 and beyond, HCPI plans to bring in-person nurse educator training to all of the regions of the Philippines.
About Health Carousel
Health Carousel is committed to partnering with world-class healthcare facilities across the country, providing rewarding assignments for Registered Nurses and Allied Health Professionals, and attracting the best internal talent at all career levels.